Sunday, November 21, 2010

“Twitterview #1 with Author, Kevin Ferere”

When we ran across Kevin’s You Tube videos we knew we had to have him on the show! Kevin’s views as a young African American male, who was once married and the father of sons, is one that is very deep and enlightened. Kevin does not make any excuses for the problem in our community when it comes to #BlackLove. His main viewers are women and he answers questions from them about the men in their lives. We love this concept because Kevin gives us a reason to STOP giving “assumed advice” to our girlfriends about why men to this or that. Below is the Twitterview with Kevin held Friday, November 19th! Again, thanks Kevin so much for your participation & #WeSaluteYou sir =)
Q: Any advice?
A: First you must learn to serve God and then your partner. If you can respect God, it’s easy to respect your partner.
Q: Ok, so you seem to have taken the “spirituality” approach. Is being on the same page spiritually important, equally yoked?
A: Of course! Our spirituality affects every aspect of our lives. To ignore It is futile.
Q: Everyone is not on the same page. How do we get there as a couple?
A: Most likely if you are not on the same page, you can’t make each other get on the same page. So, yall don’t need to be together. It’s a personal process that should be taken care of before you contemplate entering a serious relationship.
Q: How do you properly tackle the issue without offending the other person’s belief’s or level of understanding before entering?
A: Simply asking then and letting them know where you stand. There’s no way around it. Either they’ll accept it or be offended.
Q: Do you feel black people in general have lost touch with God? If so, how do we get back to where we need to be?
A:  1st we must throw out everything we’ve been taught and take a minute to close our Bibles. Then get rid of the same ol’ people and surround ourselves with people who are different and more accomplished than we are. And find and define God for ourselves and don’t let anyone tell us otherwise.
Q: Why is that important in our relationships?
A: Because finding God means finding ourselves so we can be a better commodity to the relationship as a whole.
Q: So, do you feel as though church and our parents have not properly guided us? If so, in what ways?
A: It is obvious the church and our parents haven’t done us justice. Look around. Now we must take it upon ourselves to uplift us.
Kevin then ended the “Twitterview” with an original quote: “Don’t lie to you. God is Love.”
**Below will be links to Kevin’s: You Tube, Book Purchase, & Twitter**
Kevin describes his book, “Leave the Fairy Tales up to Disney”: The Reality of Dating, as: “A breath of fresh air to relationships in ways your parents and church has never shown you.”

“Intro to @Tweet4BlackLove”

Who: We are two African American women, which feel the urgency in our hearts to capture the “L” for LOVE and place it back in black. One is in her early twenties and the other is in her mid thirties. Both have united as one and are determined to find love and happiness within the African American Community once again. Surely, in the future we plan to expand our team but every great thing has a small beginning =)
What: At first this page was created (alone) to celebrate #BlackLove but we noticed there was a lack of. We first have to get to the bottom of the issues within the community that have caused #BlackLove to be diminished. #BlackLove is the foundation of this community and it is not just to be an intimate affair shared between black men and women but the spirit that should live in the souls of us all.
When: ASAP
Where: Twitter is the forum where this journey will begin. It is up to our community to know where we shall venture thereafter.
Why: Why not? It is the responsibility of us to fix “home” and mend the broken relationships we have within before we can properly tackle the World. We may not be enslaved with shackles anymore but surely there is a mental bondage we must begin to confront and properly handle!
How: We will resuscitate #BlackLove one tweet at a time. It is as simple as that. We will merely serve as a voice and liaison amongst our brothers and sisters in hopes that we help get the ball rolling more consistently.  
Our tweet lingo & meanings are below:
1.       #BlackLove: is the foundation of this community and it is not just to be an intimate affair shared between black men and women but the spirit that should live in the souls of us all.
2.       #BlackLoveRocks: Everyone loves black love at the end of the day because it is powerful and special. Now more than ever because it is so rare when we run across it you are reminded: “Dang black love really does rock!”
3.       #Supportus: Follow, RT, & discuss with us. Help bring awareness to our page and your friends by crowd participation.
4.       #FollowTheMovement: Follow, RT, & discuss with us. Help bring awareness to our page and your friends by crowd participation.
5.       #BlackInAmerica: We are not sure what is going on with other Blacks across the globe but America is right in our back yard. We do care about other Blacks and are sure they can relate to some degree but again we focused on America.
6.       #Tweet4BlackLove: Tweet positive about black people and black love. Let’s not participate in negativity. We do welcome and expect controversy but tweet with an open heart and a place of love.
7.       #BlackLoveConversations: Follow, RT, & discuss with us. Help bring awareness to our page and your friends by crowd participation. And share your stories about intimate black love and more!
8.       #WeSaluteYou: W admire what you do or have said, our way of saying thanks and continue.
Our weekly tweet schedule
Sun: We will market our blog(s) and gain follower awareness
Mon-Wed: We have daily discussions and Wednesday is dedicated to a “Followers Choice” topic
Thurs: We have exclusive “Twitterviews” with experts in the industry. Some you may have heard of and others you may have not. Either way these individuals have sparked our interest and we would love to share their insight with our viewers!
Fri: Until we reach 50,000 followers our focus will be solely to participate in #FF
Sat: Relevant quotes of all kinds